The summer hols are upon us. Two whole months. The kids are ecstatic and I’m walking around in 2 minds. Ofcourse I’m glad that the exams are over, I can now get up at 7.30 instead of 5.30am, no freaking lunch-boxes to be prepared[I waste so much time thinking what to send;-(] and NO homework yaayyyyy.
On the other hand having 2 kids under my feet for 2 WHOLE MONTHS is not my idea of fun. I have children who act like teenagers already, squabble like jackdaws[you have to hear it to believe it;-/] and are forever hungry but complain about the quality of the food when it comes to them. By the end of the day I’m all ready to run out of the front door. Thank goodness for vacations.
Went over to the neighbour’s house today and asked her tentatively if she could look after my plants when I’m traveling. She moved in last year but I met her for the 1st time just 3 weeks back. She graciously invited me in. Nothing prepared me for the vision before my eyes.
Her living room looked like something out of an interiors magazine. I was slack jawed. The whole room was done in pure white with splashes of red and green[plants] and minimum wood work. The rest of the apartment looked even better. I hastily told her I’ll find some other house to keep my plants. She looked at me puzzled. I was like ‘my plants are going to ruin your decor’. Honestly my plants were going to look like country-bumpkins besides her designer flora. She started laughing and told me that her husband was an architect and it was he who designed their interiors.
Came back home and spent an hour sprucing my greens; cutting away all the dried foliage, wiping the dust off the leaves and spraying them with plant shine and even scrubbing the pots . Hah they look so good now;-D.
The better-half is sooo amused;-P
As I prepare to go home I realize that unlike earlier where all of us used to rush back to home country, most of us now take off to other destinations. The urge to see our parents and family members and bask in that warmth is no longer that compelling. Times sure are changing.
Anyways came here to tell you that I’ll be out of the blog circuit for a month or so. You guys take care and wish me luck.
For what????
My sanity, remember!!!!!
And Quiet Flows The Nila : A Salute To M.T
2 months ago