At the beginning of every year the 'Friday' Magazine[the weekly magazine of our newspaper] puts up this horoscope thingie for the whole year. I generally don’t give it much attention but ummm…..do give it a cursory glance. But this year the forecast was sooo good that I did a double-take, read it twice and then once again loudly to the better-half who responded by waggling his eyebrows like a Kathakali dancer;-/.
Oh let me go get that magazine for u…… I have kept it safely. I have never come across such a rosy and perfect forecast in my entire life…..ofcourse I kept it safely. Now if you'll just indulge me, I’ll borrow just one sentence from there & prove to you how powerful those words were “This year as they say in modern lingo, is going to rock”
According to them the 1st month of the year is ‘…extremely rewarding, you are going to be cheerful and contented…….will take a much-needed break & pamper yourself. A good period occurs between 2nd and 3rd week. Family life is harmonious’
Well, looks like they know what they are talking about. The better-half and I had a harmonious tiff at the end of the 3rd week and...
....on the 1st day we walked around with our respective noses[is there word like that???] in the air and talking extra politely while studiously avoiding eye-contact. By the end of the day I had doubts…..after all I did fly off the handle a bit and my birthday was around the corner, so I smiled sweetly when he came back home from office. He raised both eye-brows in doubt. I got mad and stalked off.
....On the 2nd day he looked like he wanted to make up but I was blazingly cheerful and content in the company of the kids that he hovered around for a while and then gave up.
...By the 3rd day I was climbing the walls and needed to get out of the house. I took off to the supermarket and did some shopping…….yeah well I was out of groceries anyway. It was a much needed break in the manner of speaking and I came back home all upbeat. When he came back home that evening we smiled tentatively at eachother and his favourite dishes were waiting for him for dinner.
....The 4th day was my birthday. Early morning even before I opened my eyes I could hear whispered conversation happening in the corner of the bedroom. Before I could get my bearings 2 bundles of energy leapt onto the bed and attacked me….ooops I meant hugged me tightly. A third pair of arms went around the 3 of us and in unison they sang the entire “Happy Birthday” song loud and off-key straight into my ears. I got 2 hand-made birthday cards from the children[which was taken from me every ½ an hour to make some changes], a pretty-looking eraser which was borrowed now & again to rub unimportant details off the greeting card and a lovely jewellery set from the better-half. Extremely rewarding that way, I tell you;-D
If this was January, I shudder to think what the February forecast means “Another month which will find you cheerful & contented *Nancy is cowering in the corner* Your family members may seek your wisdom and expertise in defusing a potentially troubling situation *And she kneels and looks heavenward for mercy*”
Wow! I am first!
ReplyDeleteAwww .. hw sweet is that :)
ReplyDeleteNance, I do wish the entire 2010 is as rocking :D
What abt that (un)pleasant surprise call u rxed .. psst,psst ;) was that a part of the forecast too :P
my year is really gonna bad with all the pg exms near by:(
ReplyDeleteLOL Nancy, I mean I am not laughing at your misery, it's just that you're so funny.
ReplyDeleteGuess, you can put a good spin on anything...
LOL Nancy, I mean I am not laughing at your misery, it's just that you're so funny.
ReplyDeleteGuess, you can put a good spin on anything...
Oh Swaram, ur call was totally unexpected and a BIG surprise. I doubt anything can beat that...atleast this year;-D
ReplyDeleteBroca, my prayers & best wishes with u:-)!!!!
Agnes, thank U.....I surprise myself sometimes;-D
oh dear nancy! jus loved this post... hw do u write like this...
ReplyDeletebtw u r a capri hanh?! belated bday wishes sisie... :) n u sure have a place in our prayers,,, god bles...
Another month which will find you cheerful .....aaa parangathu ponnayirikate (hope he can understand my malayalam :) )
ReplyDelete1stly Belated Birthday wishes :)
And you know what? I used to read these columns religiously, not any more!!! hehehe they are usually way off!!! ;-)
:) you do have a way with words, i enjoyed ur post..
ReplyDeletefor d rest of d year, yeah, my prayers r with you... enjoy d unpredictables life has to offer!
Sulo Badri: Thank U, both for the compliment, wishes and the prayer. Nope I'm an aquarian;-D!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnishThomas: Ofcourse he understands.....I have only 1 thing to add to ur prayer...Amen:-)
Smita: Thank U:-))!!! I too used to be fascinated with Linda Goodman at one point in time. Whatever said, her books used to very interesting;-D
Farheen: Thank U!!! Try to go with the flow is more like it;-D
Funny!!!! Enjoyed reading this one!
ReplyDeleteSometimes I wonder how it is like to fight for days...our fights only lasts minutes...sometimes I can stretch it to an hour but that's about it.
oh my you had me laughing!! As for the speed of the days going by- I'm hanging on for dear life and watching everything whiz by also. Where do the days, weeks and months go??
ReplyDelete“Walked around with our noses in the air?” --**sniffing and trying to see whether how it works out actually :)**
ReplyDeleteAnnndddd—You were climbing the waaalls???**Not going to try this for sure ;)**
Ha ha ha…You surely have a way with your words. Enjoyed your January expressions a lot :)
Well such forecasts are not always correct. Hence don’t worry too much about the potential trouble. Even if it turns out true, don’t forget that you have the potential to diffuse…:)
Looking forward to a content and cheer filled February expressions from your side.
Take Care…
hahaha.. :)
ReplyDeletehappy February to you..
valentine's day should make you cheerful and contented :)
Glad you had a great birthday and you can expect more surprises on the Valentines :)
ReplyDeleteWhoa seriously I feel the same, it's already Feb! And yeps, "noses" is a word :P
ReplyDeletean entire post from one sentence of a yearly horoscope -- pretty cool idea!
haha you made my day as usual :D
It was bang on about one thing -- You rock! :D
Hahahahahahahhahah !!!! We sure will keep you in our prayers and you both sound too cute :)
ReplyDeleteI remember reading teh weekly horoscopes religiously during the teeenage years. Nonsensical really. But good to know you had a fun birthday! Belated Happy birthday Nancy!
ReplyDeletebut feb has valentines day! its a mushy day full of love! how can it be anything but a good month?! :D
ReplyDeletelol! time does fly...im still wondering where the decade went by..!!
Oh of course we will... so sweeeeeeet and really so rewarding.. I really liked ur cooking all his fav dishes inspite of having had a tiff with him :)
ReplyDeleteand hope the entire year is rocking (as they say in the modern lingo :D )
If the astrologer sees this, he would say……see,see what I said is very true. Here is the testimony. These horoscope are very general and as a reader we interpret according to our own ways.
ReplyDeleteAs always, you know how to make a blog more interesting to read. So, can we expect another 11 blogs at least this year from you.
Great to hear to that you had a wonderful January and also the birthday.. Enjoyed this post..
ReplyDeleteAll the best for February :-)
Thats the best bday gift ever - hand-made cards by the little ones, hugs & kisses and happy bday song in unison !!! Lucky MOM (WOMAN)!!!
ReplyDeleteIts true - when we see a good prediction, we sincerely wish for it to come true. And we also look for hidden meanings in things happening well.
Nancy, the tiff was harmonious too, isnt it ??? Thats what the prediction meant.
And whatever wisdom you are giving away to ur family members, pl do share with us - let us also be benefitted from Nancy's wisdom & expertise.
You are always in my thoughts and that includes the prayers.
The die-hard optimist that you are, you just cannot keep away from the horror-scope column can u??? :D
ReplyDeleteBut the one good thing about good things u read are that they manage to keep u upbeat no matter what the reality.
Yes, They will seek ur wisdom and expertise and then zonk in the head with it!!! All the best!!! :D
Nancy dear, Belated Happppeeeee Birthday!!! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm seriously not good at calculations so please tell me when your b'day was? Pretty please!
Wow! Jewellery and all huh...cool ya! This is why I wanna have a hubby, buy jewellery, get the car servicing done, pay the bills, etc, etc... seriously!
P.S: Divine intervention has been sent forth for Feb :p
Nilu: The 1st eight years of my married life was like how u mentioned urs is...its only now it is getting all interesting. Go ask ur husband what the meaning of 'soundharya paennakam' is;-D. I assure it spices the life up a bit...if taken in the right spirit ofcourse;-P
ReplyDeleteAnjuli: Though I'm not totally sure abt ur daily itinerary I can take a wild guess...u r amazing really;-D
Asif: Hehe I dont put much stock in these things...just tht its rare to come across such a perfect forecast for a whole year;-o. Yep hoping for a calmer February anyways;-D!!! Thank U:-)!!
S: Oh yes thanks for reminding me, plans for Valentine's Day should keep me busy for a bit;-D
Sara: Usually I dont expect much on Valentines coz it comes close on the birthday's heels...but since the forecast is giving me such good vibes I'm all geared up now;-D
Snow: Really??? Noses is really a word, thank goodness I feel so much better now;-D
Its quite amazing how at the beginning of the post I'm like "I have no clue what I'm going to post" and at the end all of u kind people are thinking I'm a clever girl. I love blogging I tell U;-D
Prashanti: We do???? And here I was thinking I was going to destroy the image of my happy married life with this post. Erm thank U;-P
Passionate Goof: I too used to read them often in my college days then once my friend showed us how all the forecast were almost the same...in the sense if we read any forecast and applied it our lives it was like written for us. Us din aankh khul gayi;-D.
And thank U:-))
Sunshine: Seriously, I too wonder where the decade went...10 yrs back I had no husband, kids and was a free bird in Bangalore. In 10 years I'm totally settled for life and I'm good. Just wondering how to dispose the additional 20 kgs which came with it;-P.
Amrita: We fight rarely but when we do we are totally devoted to one another;-D
Maddy: Hehe yes I know that...I was actually poking fun at myself;-D. 11 posts??? I'm hoping to..tho its getting tougher and tougher to drum up something interesting every week;-(
Never Ending Memories: Wonderful January??? Huh!!! I wrote my dukh bhari kahaani & u r calling it wonderful. Zaroor koi galat faimi hai;-o.
And thank U:-))!!!!
ReplyDeleteBelated b'day wishes Nancy!
Oooh--i can soooo relate to the card being taken back to hand over new improved version to you!!
Wishing you a happy Feb :)
Don't believe all that is written there...I know the inside story!
ReplyDeletehahahaha...hilarious as always! :D
ReplyDeletehope u have an even more "rocking" feb...n hope it ends up with a post like this! :D (yeah we readers are pretty selfish!) ;)
What does the picture signify??? (I hope my question doesn't portray me as an unparalleled buddhu!)
ReplyDeleteI'm a cusp(Scorpio-Sagi) so if one of them says something negative, I console myself with the fact that I was never displaying too many traits of that zodiac sign anyhow & turn to the other to cheer me up. Works usually;-)
Your Jan sounds pretty rewarding! Bday months are always the best right?:-)
Ha Ha Ha.. I told wonderful January because of your birthday.. :-). Sometimes, fighting will be wonderful.. lots of fun.. What say..
ReplyDeleteUmsreflections: Yep the cards the kids made are really sweet. And comparing them to last years makes me realise how much they've grown;-o.
ReplyDelete"let us also be benefitted from Nancy's wisdom & expertise."
Generally nobody listens to me, but any such anhoni happens, dont worry the blog will be the first place I'll crow about it;-D
Butterfly: My dear sil u have to read it to believe it;-o...it was hard not to fall for it tho ofcourse ur brother does a good job of bring me down to earth;-/
Sparkling: Hehe all I can say is tht u didnt read my previous post properly....did u;-D????
Thank U for the wishes!!!!!
Preethi Shenoy: LOL it happens in most households huh;-)
Thank U...hopefully all ur good wishes will carry me thru Feb;-D
Sindhu: No, no, no its the truth and nothing but the truth...yeah well some dramatisation has to be made to make the post interesting, right;-D!!!!
Blunt Edges: This word 'rocking' is beginning to scare me. Makes me feel like as if I'm on a boat in stormy waters. And I'm the sissy kinds who gets dizzy even if I sit on a swing;-S.
Yeah i know u r grinning all the more now!!!
Lostworld: LOL dont blame u for asking...I too wdnt have known wht it was if I didnt handpick the pic. It is the different symbols of Aquarius[my star sign] put together in one picture....cool huh;-D!!!!
U r a cusp huh....a neat combination of the dangerous and the friendly;-D
NEM: Oh yes some of our arguments are so hilarious that as soon as we start, the children stop doing wht they were doing, pick up their chairs and sit down to act the action. Its funnier than Mr.Bean, they say;-/
Heyyyy there....
ReplyDeleteYou indeed had a ROCKING january and I sure hope the rest of the year's just the same :)
After a terrible last year the coming year should be good for everyone...horoscope or no horoscope :)
Nancy: A very happy belated Bday!! Gladyou were able to spend the day with your kids. Card made by kids...awww that sounds so cute !!
ReplyDeleteYeah... and I can relate to the kind of fights you mentioned with hubby :-)
hey, you also read the horoscopes?Me too.. I read them and I try to see what fits during my week :-)
Now that Feb is alreadyhere.. have a cheerful and contented Feb !!
Oh Nancy, you`re just so funny!! :):) Do you really believe in horoscopes?
ReplyDelete:):) You`ll be there in my prayers,dont worry! hee hee :):)
Nancy... you really write so well:-)
ReplyDeleteIt is such a pleasure to read your blog... and, your kids are adorable.
LOL,Nance! Come to think of it,this month has only 28days..so thats 3days less cheer and contentment...now did I just make you resurface from that corner?? :D :D
ReplyDeleteROTFL!! :D
ReplyDeleteAll the best for February then!! ;)
Belated Happy Birthday!
I read mine everyday - both in the newspaper and on the internet!
Everyday the prediction is off key!
Except when it says - "You will face challenges at work" !! :D :D
Awesome(ly) funny post!
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Nancy, This is not fair, where has my comment gone, my precious comment??? :(
ReplyDeleteBelated happy birthday and yest your nose in the air act rocks !!
take care
lol...10 yrs back i was struggling with adolescence & parents and now im struggling with adulthood & parents...i guess some things never change! :P
ReplyDeleteLOL! Some forecast that is :) You know husband and I go through all these phases - but all in one day - we don't( rather I can't) sleep through a tiff . But we so do that - 'talking extra politely while studiously avoiding eye-contact' thingy :)
ReplyDelete'I got 2 hand-made birthday cards from the children[which was taken from me every ½ an hour to make some changes]' - that was so cute!
Hope Feb works better :) I guess you could relax when they predict conflict at home :)
he he heee..... always loved the 'making up' part. Feels good isn't it? Hey, 'Happy birthday!' and as always love your kids for all the cute things they do for you :)
ReplyDeleteMany posts earlier I had commented, I believe, that you have a way with words... I was wrong...you actually have a SUPER HIGHWAY with words.. you are brilliant.. Enjoyed the post...from experience I can confidently say that 'life would be very boring without these interesting episodes...when taken in the right spirit, of course.
ReplyDeleteNance, Belated birthday wishes and touchwood to the wonderful moments shared with family. Things to cherish for life.
ReplyDeleteok i want to read about me tooo..what paper is this? is there are online version.
ReplyDeleteyou might need all your wisdom and expertise in defusing another naina-taassim conversation LOL
Belated birthday wishes.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed this post very much, you have a very nice way of describing things. I wonder whether your 'better half' reads your posts!
Nancy I love to read what you write...humorous :)
ReplyDeleteI like use to read it every day of my life all throughout....everyday before I start my day, I use to grab that page of the newspaper......when I moved to Abu Dhabi my brother in law just randomly told me that its not right to read it and I decided to try to willpower by not doing somethin I did all my life...and believe you me since than until now its more than 2yrs since I read it last....I tell you Nancy its a bliss not knowing what's in store for you, leave it on Almighty pray for the best and enjoy.
Varsh: Optimism has always been my strong point...so feb shd ideally be much better than Jan;-D. Good to see u:-))!!!!
ReplyDeleteDil Se: No, no I hardly read them nowadays but I used to in college. The yearly forcaste is read with sceptisism usually but when it looked so good I didnt find it funny anymore;-P
And thank U for the wishes:-))!!!!
Piper: Usually I dont but this one was so good tht I could not but help believe a teeny-weeny bit;-D. Thank U:-))!!!!
Anonymous: I can understand if u r writing a lousy comment tht u go anonymous. But this is such a lovely comment and u havent even left a name:-)). Atleast leave ur initial next time, thank U all the same:-))!!!!
Deeps: Oh I never thought of that;-o!!! I'm now feeling 30% more cheerful than before;-D. I am most grateful*Nancy bows deeply in gratitude*
Pixie: "Except when it says - "You will face challenges at work" !!"
LOL so it is not completely useless huh;-D
Also in these times of recession thts probably the only statement they can safely add and and not be threatened with a lawsuit;-D
WannabeWriter: ;-D
Rekha: I'm terribly disappointed myself tht ur 1st comment went into thin air;-(.
Thank U so much for the wishes:-))!!
Sunshine: LOL & Wow, thts a loaded yet thought-provoking statement;-D!!!!
Smitha: Aah all of us go thru it...its just tht our blog-world is an ideal world tht we dont like to make ripples;-D
"I guess you could relax when they predict conflict at home"
Seriously, I was just thinking tht myself;-o
Preethi: U r so right, making out....ooops I meant making up is awesome;-D
And thank U:-))!!!!
JP Joshi: Every compliment u give me is highly treasured, thank U:-))!!!!
Solilo: Touchwood!!! And Thank U:-))!!!!
A: Are u Aquarian too???? Try Gulfnews.com and look for the 1st week of Jan issue of Friday Magazine.
Oh my goodness, never thot of 'defusing' in tht angle at all. U may just have a point;-o
Vivek Patwardhan: Thank U!!!
The better-half was forced by me to read some of it in the beginning but after tht I gave up. Now I think I like it better this way...freedom of expression remains....umm...errr...free u see;-D
Sadiya: I used to read them more often when I was in college and then a friend showed us how all the forecasts were almost the same...in the sense if we read any forecast and applied it to our lives we'll find ourselves relating with it. Us din aankh khul gayi;-D.
wasn't that too short for a tiff... my tiffs go on for a significantly longer time! And do all husbands think the same? Jewellrey can cure everything, including a toothache :P You women are so smart, seriously.
ReplyDeletethis interesting horoscope at least means that we'll have 12 interesting blog posts to read :D
Nance..Great PResentation.....I never could write about our tiffs ...and that too this well!
ReplyDeleteLucky you....youc an laugh it out!
Oh God!!! That was too funny... If you need any help to interpret that, it said BETWEEN 2-nd and 3-rd week and our tiff started end of 3-rd week ;)
ReplyDeleteYou have been tagged. Do it please. :)
ReplyDeleteIn all this reading and commenting, I forgot to wish you ..
ReplyDeleteBelated Birthday wishes to you...hope u always will be happy and spread cheer through your blogs
Lovely post at the start of the year.
ReplyDeleteYou will truly 'Rock' in the year ahead.
And where are you? I have written 2 blogs...why aren't u coming over?sniff, sniff...
ReplyDeleteHoe you are still in a cheerful and content frame of mind after defusing that potentially troubling situation :-)
ReplyDeleteEach hand made card is a story unto itself I should say - My son is so enterprising, he made identical cards for my hubby and me, our birthdays are a month apart, so I already know what I am going to get :-(
Oh how we used to love reading that Linda Goodman Love Signs in hostel (Lol). I still remember the first sentence about Aquarians - it sounded (and still does) so me - "People dream about rainbows, Aquarians live on one"
Hoe you are still in a cheerful and content frame of mind after defusing that potentially troubling situation :-)
ReplyDeleteEach hand made card is a story unto itself I should say - My son is so enterprising, he made identical cards for my hubby and me, our birthdays are a month apart, so I already know what I am going to get :-(
Oh how we used to love reading that Linda Goodman Love Signs in hostel (Lol). I still remember the first sentence about Aquarians - it sounded (and still does) so me - "People dream about rainbows, Aquarians live on one"
//Life seems to be just flying past!!! It’s already the 2nd month of the New Year. Where did the 1st month go????
ReplyDeleteSame Pinch..!!! :-)
And yeah... Belated wishes for the happy birthday :-)
Will for sure keep you in our prayers..!! As they said.. This year's sure gonna RoCk..!!!
Nice post!
ReplyDeleteI will pray for u too. :)
Rakesh: We hardly have tiffs or even arguments[believe me its tht boring;-P], everything is discussed like mature individuals but once in while I try to liven things up;-D.
ReplyDeleteVinoo John: I guess if it really was a serious one I too would have NEVER written abt it;-). But yeah u can depend on me to see the funny side to anything sooner or later;-D
Colours: Yeah but I thought give or take a few days;-D
Passionate Goof: Thanks!!!! Will do it soon:-)!!!!
Sindhu: Thank U:-))!!!!!
Since u update so rarely u cant blame me for not visiting u frequently;-/.
balvinder Singh: Thank U:-D!!!
Wanderlust: Yes the handmade cards were lovely and I love to compare them from last years and see the marked improvements;-).
"People dream about rainbows, Aquarians live on one"
Oh I remember tht sentence so well;-D
ManishaPatnaik: Thank U and thank U:-))!!!
blommer22: Thanks;-D!!!!
LOL!!!! Loved the take on the 'horrorscope' :P Hope Feb is treating you better so far :)
ReplyDeleteDont get me started.....the kids have Final Exams at the end of the month;-(
ReplyDeletewell, (very) belated birthday wishes. hope you have an awesome year! :)
ReplyDeleteThank U Sriram:-))!!!!!