Naina: Mama I had a nighmare last night.
Mama looks at her concerned.
Naina: Mama, do u know what a nightmare is???
Mama: Yes i know, shall I explain???
Naina: Ofcourse I know what it is, I wanted to know if u knew.
Mama looks irritatedly at the all-knowing 6 yr old who thought her mother didnt knw the meaning. Nikita snickers, understanding her mothers indignation very well .
Mother[a bit worried now]: Tell me wht u nightmared about
Ma: Why, why cant u tell me...was it so terrible?????
Naina: No no it was a nice nightmare.
I wish I had one of those eyes rolling emoticons to express my feelings. I didnt ask further abt the nice nightmare since I knew for sure it would be a long-winded description of a prince who fought off demons to win her hand and they lived happily ever after;-/
Nikita goes for Arabic tuitions but Naina doesnt but she needs to learn too. Since Naina just needed to know the basics I ask Nikita to teach her. Nikita doesnt show the slighest interest. So to awaken Nikita's interest I tell her that just like how I pay Sabha didi[Arabic tuition teacher] to teach u, I'll pay u to teach Naina.
Now Nikita is interested. And we agree she'll get Dhs.10 per month if she taught Arabic to Naina. So she starts to teach Naina...soon Naina is not very happy at her sister's bossy ways and refuses to learn under her guidance. Nikita is depressed and approaches me for a solution.
I tell her "If u want the 10dhs u must find some way to make her learn".
After a while I find both of them peacefully doing Naina's arabic lessons. I was impressed with Nikita's capabilities and curious. Later I ask her how she managed to get Naina to sit thru
She replies sheepishly "I told her I'll give her half of what I get if she allows me to teach her"
If I have 7 oranges in 1 hand and 9 in the other what do I have???? asks Naina to her sister.
Mama who overheard this was very happy that her children were studying even before she told them to take out their books. "My children are growing up and recognise their responsibilities" she thinks fondly and moves closer to listen to the answer.
"It means u have very large hands" Nikita answers and both fall back onto the couch and laugh gleefully.
They were quizzing eachother from a Tom & Jerry jokebook;-/
After 45 minutes of heightened activity I order the kids to take a break from the wild games they were playing. So they flop down on the floor and rest.
After 2 minutes.....
Naina: Its so boring
1 minute later..
a deeeeep sigh indicating boredom
after a minute
Naina: "I wish we had 2 brothers."
Nikita nods understandingly while Mama raises eyebrows
Nikita: We could name them Phineas and Ferb
Mama: Huh!!!!
Naina: Havent u seen their cartoon??? For them "there is no such thing as an ordinary day"
I looks up & silently thank the good Lord. Our days are extraordinary enough without adding 2 boys & creating bedlam
Nikita: Or I wish we had 10 sisters...then we could be the 12 dancing princess.
Mama[gets up agitatedly]: U two have too much free time in ur hands. Go get your holiday homework both of U.....NOW.
Nikita is engrossed in a book & I make the mistake of passing by...
Nikita: Ma, can u scratch over here please......[pointing to the portion between the 2nd and the 3rd toe]
...not there, a little bit to the left, no no a bit lower
....higher, higher
Nikita[exasperatedly]: uff not like that........u r so old, its high time u learned how to follow instructions[in the same tone we use to tell her off;-/]
In normal households mothers will sit their children down gently, point to a globe or an Atlas and tell them about different places and facts abt the world. In our household.......
Location: Bathroom
Activity: One of the kids will be sitting on the pot to pee
Mama[impatiently]: Finished???
Child: Not yet
Mama: I dont have the whole day, I've got work to do
Child: Its on its way.
but even after 30 seconds..... nothing
Mama: U r not doing potty are u???
Child: No Ma..I just need to pee
Mama[at the end of her tether]: How long doesn it take to pee??? Anybody will think its coming from the Himalayas???
Child[interestedly]: Himalayas???? Where is that???
Mama: Himalayas are mountains found in the northern most parts of India................detailed explanation follows.
And this is how they learnt about Africa, Australia, China, Sahara Desert, River Thames, the Ganges........
To keep them out of my hair I organised a story-writing competition and this is what Naina wrote...
One day when it was snowing Tom went out to post a letter he saw an enormous sight. He saw a bundle of cats sitting on chairs and it looked just like a party. He began to join in but the cats pushed him out and Tom became very sad.
Then Tom had an idea. He went to them and said " Please" and the cats said ok.
Moral of the story: Always say please before doing or taking something.
;-D.......dont miss the words in italics; incase u r wondering Nikita didnt have the patience & gave up half-way.
The Final exams are finally over and the kids have 1 whole month of holidays before they start their next session. I have my hands full and am running around like a hen without a head. Wish me luck.....there's another 3 weeks before school starts.
And Quiet Flows The Nila : A Salute To M.T
2 months ago